
[bring] /brɪŋ/
verb (used with object), brought, bringing.
to carry, convey, conduct, or cause (someone or something) to come with, to, or toward the speaker:
Bring the suitcase to my house. He brought his brother to my office.
to cause to come to or toward oneself; attract:
Her scream brought the police. He brought honor to his family by his heroism.
to cause to occur or exist:
The medication brought instant relief.
to cause to come into a particular position, state, or effect:
to bring the car to a stop.
to cause to appear or occur in the mind; evoke or recall:
The letter brought her memories of youth.
to persuade, convince, compel, or induce:
She couldn't bring herself to sell the painting.
to sell for; fetch:
These lamps will bring a good price.
Law. to commence:
to bring an action for damages.
Verb phrases
bring about, to accomplish; cause:
Land reform brought about a great change in the lives of the common people.
bring around/round,
  1. to convince of a belief or opinion; persuade:
    I think we can bring him around to agreeing with the plan.
  2. to restore to consciousness, as after a faint.
  3. to bring as a visitor:
    They brought around a new employee this morning.
bring down,
  1. to injure, capture, or kill:
    He brought down several ducks on his last hunting trip.
  2. to lessen; reduce:
    I won't buy that lamp unless they bring down the price.
  3. Slang. to cause to be in low spirits; depress:
    The bad news brought him down.
bring forth,
  1. to give birth to; deliver; bear:
    to bring forth a son.
  2. to give rise to; introduce:
    to bring forth a proposal for reducing costs.
bring forward,
  1. to bring to view; show.
  2. to present for consideration; adduce:
    to bring forward an opinion.
bring in,
  1. to yield, as profits or income:
    My part-time job doesn't bring in much, but I enjoy it.
  2. to present officially; submit:
    The jury brought in its verdict.
  3. to cause to operate or yield:
    They brought in a gusher on his property.
  4. to present for consideration, approval, etc.; introduce:
    She brought in six new members last month.
bring off, to accomplish, carry out, or achieve (something):
He brought off his speech with ease.
bring on,
  1. to cause to happen or exist; bring about:
    This incident will surely bring on a crisis.
  2. to introduce; cause to appear:
    Bring on the clowns.
bring out,
  1. to expose; reveal.
  2. to make noticeable or conspicuous in a contrast.
  3. to publish, as a book or play.
  4. to introduce officially into society:
    to bring out a debutante.
bring to,
  1. to bring back to consciousness; revive.
  2. Nautical. to head (a vessel) close to or into the wind so as to halt.
bring up,
  1. to care for during childhood; rear.
  2. to introduce or mention for attention, discussion, action, or consideration.
  3. to vomit.
  4. to stop or cause to stop quickly:
    to bring up a car at the curb.
  5. Nautical. (of a vessel) to cause to halt, as by lowering an anchor or running aground; fetch up.
before 950; Middle English bringen, Old English bringan; cognate with Dutch brengen, German bringen, Gothic briggan
Related forms
bringer, noun
outbring, verb (used with object), outbrought, outbringing.
Can be confused
bring, take (see synonym study at the current entry)
1. transport; lead, guide. Bring, fetch, take imply conveying or conducting in relation to the place where the speaker is. To bring is simply to convey or conduct: Bring it to me. I'm permitted to bring my dog here with me. It is the opposite of take, which means to convey or conduct away from the place where the speaker is: Bring it back here. Take it back there. Fetch means to go, get, and bring back: Fetch me that bottle.
Examples from the web for bring
  • The sight and sound of water bring peace to a garden, but that peace comes with a price.
  • Hurricanes bring winds and slashing rains that flood streets, flatten homes, and leave survivors struggling to pick up the pieces.
  • Scandals bring attention to influence held by coaches.
  • The new measures also restrict the ability of foreign students to bring family members into the country with them.
  • But to bring about real change in a real democracy you also have to do real politics.
  • Ask each guest to bring a small card that lists the ingredients of their dish.
  • The tracks were made during the world's first-and only-attempt to chase a comet and bring a bit of it home.
  • If water is not available at the picnic site, bring enough to scrub clams and mussels.
  • Natural disasters on this scale inevitably bring chaos and suffering.
  • Touring floor maps bring memorable education to students.
British Dictionary definitions for bring


verb (transitive) brings, bringing, brought
to carry, convey, or take (something or someone) to a designated place or person: bring that book to me, will you bring Jessica to Tom's party?
to cause to happen or occur to (oneself or another): to bring disrespect on oneself
to cause to happen as a consequence: responsibility brings maturity
to cause to come to mind: it brought back memories
to cause to be in a certain state, position, etc: the punch brought him to his knees
to force, persuade, or make (oneself): I couldn't bring myself to do it
to sell for; fetch: the painting brought 20 pounds
  1. to institute (proceedings, charges, etc)
  2. to put (evidence, etc) before a tribunal
bring forth, to give birth to
bring home to
  1. to convince of: his account brought home to us the gravity of the situation
  2. to place the blame on
bring to bear, See bear1 (sense 17)
Derived Forms
bringer, noun
Word Origin
Old English bringan; related to Gothic briggan, Old High German bringan
Word Origin and History for bring

Old English bringan "to bring, bring forth, produce, present, offer" (past tense brohte, past participle broht), from Proto-Germanic *brenganan (cf. Old Frisian brenga, Middle Dutch brenghen, Old High German bringan, Gothic briggan); no exact cognates outside Germanic, but it appears to be from PIE root *bhrengk-, compound based on root *bher- (1) "to carry" (cf. Latin ferre; see infer).

The tendency to conjugate this as a strong verb on the model of sing, drink, etc., is ancient: Old English also had a rare strong past participle form, brungen, corresponding to modern colloquial brung. To bring down the house figuratively (1754) is to elicit applause so thunderous it collapses the roof.