
[boun-duh-ree, -dree] /ˈbaʊn də ri, -dri/
noun, plural boundaries.
something that indicates bounds or limits; a limiting or bounding line.
Also called frontier. Mathematics. the collection of all points of a given set having the property that every neighborhood of each point contains points in the set and in the complement of the set.
Cricket. a hit in which the ball reaches or crosses the boundary line of the field on one or more bounces, counting four runs for the batsman.
Compare six (def 5).
1620-30; bound3 + -ary
Related forms
transboundary, adjective
Can be confused
boundary, limit, parameter, variable (see synonym study at the current entry; see usage note at parameter)
1. Boundary, border, frontier share the sense of that which divides one entity or political unit from another. Boundary, in reference to a country, city, state, territory, or the like, most often designates a line on a map: boundaries are shown in red. Occasionally, it also refers to a physical feature that marks the agreed-upon line separating two political units: The Niagara River forms part of the boundary between the United States and Canada. Border is more often used than boundary in direct reference to a political dividing line; it may also refer to the region (of, for instance, a country) adjoining the actual line of demarcation: crossing the Mexican border; border towns along the Rio Grande. Frontier may refer to a political dividing line: crossed the Spanish frontier on Tuesday. It may also denote or describe the portion of a country adjoining its border with another country (towns in the Polish frontier ) or, especially in North America, the most remote settled or occupied parts of a country: the frontier towns of the Great Plains. Frontier, especially in the plural, also refers to the most advanced or newest activities in an area of knowledge or practice: the frontiers of nuclear medicine.
Examples from the web for boundary
  • The underside of the mantle-the boundary between it and the liquid outer core-is probably rugged terrain.
  • Only then can anyone consider that it has reached the outer boundary of our solar system.
  • Divisions and consolidations have been effected, and new boundary lines have been formed in other instances.
  • These boundary conditions allow convergence between moist maritime air and dry continental air.
  • Voyager data, taken from specific regions within the boundary zone, had offered no hint that the ribbon existed.
  • Tiny bubbles may help lifesaving drugs cross a crucial boundary.
  • But a more important horizon, the boundary to their great progressive inquiry, recedes even as their knowledge advances.
  • Good for a boundary planting, big shrub border, screening.
  • It's not only trials of new drugs that are crossing the futility boundary.
  • The second type of boundary is called a divergent boundary.
British Dictionary definitions for boundary


/ˈbaʊndərɪ; -drɪ/
noun (pl) -ries
something that indicates the farthest limit, as of an area; border
  1. the marked limit of the playing area
  2. a stroke that hits the ball beyond this limit
  3. the four runs scored with such a stroke, or the six runs if the ball crosses the boundary without touching the ground
Word Origin and History for boundary

1620s, from bound (n.) + -ary.