
[bih-heyv-yer] /bɪˈheɪv yər/
manner of behaving or acting.
Psychology, Animal Behavior.
  1. observable activity in a human or animal.
  2. the aggregate of responses to internal and external stimuli.
  3. a stereotyped, species-specific activity, as a courtship dance or startle reflex.
Often, behaviors. a behavior pattern.
the action or reaction of any material under given circumstances:
the behavior of tin under heat.
Also, especially British, behaviour.
1375-1425; behave + -ior (on model of havior, variant of havor < Middle French (h)avoirLatin habēre to have); replacing late Middle English behavoure, behaver. See behave, -or1
Related forms
behavioral, adjective
behaviorally, adverb
interbehavior, noun
interbehavioral, adjective
interbehaviorally, adverb
1. demeanor, manners; bearing, carriage. Behavior, conduct, deportment, comportment refer to one's actions before or toward others, especially on a particular occasion. Behavior refers to actions usually measured by commonly accepted standards: His behavior at the party was childish. Conduct refers to actions viewed collectively, especially as measured by an ideal standard: Conduct is judged according to principles of ethics. Deportment is behavior related to a code or to an arbitrary standard: Deportment is guided by rules of etiquette. The teacher gave Susan a mark of B in deportment. Comportment is behavior as viewed from the standpoint of one's management of one's own actions: His comportment was marked by a quiet assurance.
Examples from the web for behavior
  • He had decreed a new code of conduct for royal behavior, but it had not been published.
  • Clearly, my friend is guilty -- but only of bad behavior.
  • Many people see traces of hoarding behavior in themselves.
  • Little is known about the behavior of adult male sea turtles.
  • People tend to be on best behavior when they're being watched.
  • She spent her days following the giraffes to observe their behavior.
  • Isabel is most deeply affected by the alterations in her brother's behavior.
  • Unfortunately there is little accountability for cynical behavior.
  • In later years his behavior was grotesque and hateful.
  • My child knows the difference between good natured teasing and joking around and bullying behavior that hurts feelings.
British Dictionary definitions for behavior


manner of behaving or conducting oneself
on one's best behaviour, behaving with careful good manners
  1. the aggregate of all the responses made by an organism in any situation
  2. a specific response of a certain organism to a specific stimulus or group of stimuli
the action, reaction, or functioning of a system, under normal or specified circumstances
Derived Forms
behavioural, (US) behavioral, adjective
Word Origin
C15: from behave; influenced in form by Middle English havior, from Old French havoir, from Latin habēre to have
Word Origin and History for behavior

late 15c., essentially from behave, but with ending from Middle English havour "possession," a word altered (by influence of have) from aver, noun use of Old French verb aveir "to have."

behavior in Medicine

behavior be·hav·ior (bĭ-hāv'yər)

  1. The actions or reactions of persons or things in response to external or internal stimuli.

  2. The manner in which one behaves.

be·hav'ior·al adj.
behavior in Science
  1. The actions displayed by an organism in response to its environment.

  2. One of these actions. Certain animal behaviors (such as nest building) result from instinct, while others (such as hunting) must be learned.

  3. The manner in which a physical system, such as a gas, subatomic particle, or ecosystem, acts or functions, especially under specified conditions.

Idioms and Phrases with behavior
