
[ban-er] /ˈbæn ər/
the flag of a country, army, troop, etc.
an ensign or the like bearing some device, motto, or slogan, as one carried in religious processions, political demonstrations, etc.
a flag formerly used as the standard of a sovereign, lord, or knight.
a sign painted on cloth and hung over a street, entrance, etc.:
Banners at the intersection announced the tennis tournament.
anything regarded or displayed as a symbol of principles.
Heraldry. a square flag bearing heraldic devices.
Also called banner line, line, screamer, streamer. Journalism. a headline extending across the width of a newspaper page, usually across the top of the front page.
an open streamer with lettering, towed behind an airplane in flight, for advertising purposes.
Also called banner ad. an advertisement that appears across the top or bottom or along one side of a Web page.
leading or foremost:
a banner year for crops.
1200-50; Middle English banere < Old French baniere < Late Latin bann(um) (variant of bandum standard < Germanic, compare Gothic bandwa sign; see band1) + Old French -iere < Latin -āria -ary
Related forms
bannered, adjective
bannerless, adjective
bannerlike, adjective
unbannered, adjective
10. notable, record, winning, red-letter, vintage.
Examples from the web for banner
  • Pricing and banner sizes differ between the primary and secondary ad slots.
  • With a single banner covering the canvas, the painting is easy on the eye and interesting for two particular reasons.
  • If banner corners are rounded, please include transparent background.
  • Carr writes about his own inability to concentrate amid all the hypertext links, new-mail pings and blinking banner ads.
  • Have students create a cultural celebration quilt or banner.
  • The text on the right side is gobbled up by the grey banner.
  • As the huge banner billows in the wind, hundreds of watching villagers clap and cheer.
  • Users can opt out of receiving these sorts of ads by clicking on an icon on the banner.
  • For information on advertising multiple vehicles each month online or banner advertising opportunities, see our media kit.
  • These riders, ready to die for their new lord, vanquished enemies and unified former rivals under a single banner as never before.
British Dictionary definitions for banner


a long strip of flexible material displaying a slogan, advertisement, etc, esp one suspended between two points
a placard or sign carried in a procession or demonstration
something that represents a belief or principle: a commitment to nationalization was the banner of British socialism
the flag of a nation, army, etc, used as a standard or ensign
(formerly) the standard of an emperor, knight, etc
Also called banner headline. a large headline in a newspaper, etc, extending across the page, esp the front page
an advertisement, often animated, that extends across the width of a web page
a square flag, often charged with the arms of its bearer
(transitive) (of a newspaper headline) to display (a story) prominently
(US) outstandingly successful: a banner year for orders
Derived Forms
bannered, adjective
Word Origin
C13: from Old French baniere, of Germanic origin; compare Gothic bandwa sign; influenced by Medieval Latin bannumban1, bannīre to banish
Word Origin and History for banner

c.1200, from Old French baniere (Modern French bannière) "flag, banner, standard," from Late Latin bandum "standard," borrowed from a West Germanic cognate of Gothic bandwa "a sign" (see band (n.2)). Figurative use from early 14c. Of newspaper headlines, from 1913.

Slang definitions & phrases for banner


Related Terms

carry the banner

banner in Technology

1. The title page added to printouts by most print spoolers. Typically includes user or account ID information in very large character-graphics capitals. Also called a "burst page", because it indicates where to burst (tear apart) fanfold paper to separate one user's printout from the next.
2. A similar printout generated (typically on multiple pages of fan-fold paper) from user-specified text, e.g. by a program such as Unix's "banner".
3. splash screen.
[Jargon File]

banner in the Bible

(1.) The flag or banner of the larger kind, serving for three tribes marching together. These standards, of which there were four, were worked with embroidery and beautifully ornamented (Num. 1:52; 2:2, 3, 10, 18, 25; Cant. 2:4; 6:4, 10). (2.) The flag borne by each separate tribe, of a smaller form. Probably it bore on it the name of the tribe to which it belonged, or some distinguishing device (Num. 2:2,34). (3.) A lofty signal-flag, not carried about, but stationary. It was usually erected on a mountain or other lofty place. As soon as it was seen the war-trumpets were blown (Ps. 60:4; Isa. 5:26; 11:12; 13:2; 18:3; 30:17; Jer. 4:6 21; Ezek. 27:7). (4.) A "sign of fire" (Jer. 6:1) was sometimes used as a signal. The banners and ensigns of the Roman army had idolatrous images upon them, and hence they are called the "abomination of desolation" (q.v.). The principal Roman standard, however, was an eagle. (See Matt. 24:28; Luke 17:37, where the Jewish nation is compared to a dead body, which the eagles gather together to devour.) God's setting up or giving a banner (Ps. 20:5; 60:4; Cant. 2:4) imports his presence and protection and aid extended to his people.