
[ap-uh-plek-see] /ˈæp əˌplɛk si/
noun, Pathology
stroke (def 6).
a sudden, usually marked loss of bodily function due to rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel.
a hemorrhage into an organ cavity or tissue.
1350-1400; Middle English apoplexie < Late Latin < Greek, equivalent to apóplēkt(os) (see apoplectic) + -ia -y3
Related forms
[ap-uh-plek-tuh-fawrm] /ˌæp əˈplɛk təˌfɔrm/ (Show IPA),
apoplectoid, adjective
Examples from the web for apoplexy
  • He returned to his house on 105th Street, and continuing difficulties brought on an attack of apoplexy.
  • Meanwhile, this latest attraction has sparked apoplexy among some environmentalists.
  • My mother just about had apoplexy and made me return them.
  • America's insouciance has caused apoplexy north of the border.
  • The whole act would produce apoplexy among their competitors.
  • He can reduce art dealers to near-apoplexy.
  • Not just finding it, but being outraged by it to the point of apoplexy.
  • It is considered a very rough area, however, particularly designed to cause apoplexy in visiting parents.
  • No need to fall into an apoplexy over a matter of semantics.
British Dictionary definitions for apoplexy


sudden loss of consciousness, often followed by paralysis, caused by rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel in the brain
Word Origin
C14: from Old French apoplexie, from Late Latin apoplēxia, from Greek: from apoplēssein to cripple by a stroke, from plēssein to strike
Word Origin and History for apoplexy

late 14c., "sudden fit of paralysis and dizziness," from Old French apoplexie or directly from Late Latin apoplexia, from Greek apoplexia, from apoplessein "to strike down and incapacitate," from apo- "off" (see apo-), in this case probably an intensive prefix, + plessein "hit" (cf. plague (n.), also with a root sense of "stricken"). The Latin translation, sideratio, means "disease caused by a constellation."

apoplexy in Medicine

apoplexy ap·o·plex·y (āp'ə-plěk'sē)

  1. Sudden impairment of neurological function, especially from a cerebral hemorrhage; a stroke.

  2. An effusion of blood into a tissue or organ.