
[uh-lawng, uh-long] /əˈlɔŋ, əˈlɒŋ/
through, on, beside, over, or parallel to the length or direction of; from one end to the other of:
to walk along a highway; to run a border along a shelf.
during; in the course of:
Somewhere along the way I lost my hat.
in conformity or accordance with:
I plan to revise the article along the lines suggested.
by the length; lengthwise; parallel to or in a line with the length or direction:
He ran along beside me.
with a progressive motion; onward:
The police ordered the line to move along.
(of time) some way on:
along toward evening.
in company; in agreement (usually followed by with):
I'll go along with you. He planned the project along with his associates.
as a companion; with one:
She took her brother along.
from one person or place to another:
The order was passed along from the general to the captain and from the captain to a private.
at or to an advanced place or state:
Work on the new ship is quite far along.
as an accompanying item; on hand:
Bring along your umbrella.
along of, Chiefly Southern U.S. and British Dialect.
  1. owing to; because of:
    We weren't invited, along of your rudeness.
  2. in company with:
    You come along of me to the store.
Verb phrases
get along. get (def 36).
all along, all the time; throughout:
I knew all along that it was a lie.
be along, Informal. to arrive at a place; come:
They should be along soon.
before 900; Middle English; Old English andlang, equivalent to and- (cognate with Old Saxon, Old Norse and-, Gothic and(a)-, Old High German ant-, prefix with orig. sense “facing”; cf. answer) + lang long1
Examples from the web for along
  • Click ahead to see what they did, mixing some old with the new along the way.
  • Sudden movement along the fault causes the ground to shake.
  • If that were the case, the tortoises would have yawned right along with their compatriots.
  • along the two-lane road, there is not a single billboard, stop sign or traffic light.
  • along the way they've developed considerable expertise about which roses grow best in which climates.
  • He's carrying a chainsaw and a list of lumberyards along the way.
  • And so the process of learning, along with students' perception of knowledge, can't be finite either.
  • Enjoy a picnic at the falls or find your own private spot somewhere along the adjacent hiking trails.
  • Droughts and insufficient rainfall contribute to what's known as water risk, along with floods and contamination.
  • The cowbirds also ravaged warbler nests that were too far along in the brooding process to accept new eggs.
British Dictionary definitions for along


over or for the length of, esp in a more or less horizontal plane: along the road
continuing over the length of some specified thing
in accompaniment; together with some specified person or people: he says he'd like to come along
forward: the horse trotted along at a steady pace
to a more advanced state: he got the work moving along
along with, accompanying; together with: consider the advantages along with the disadvantages
Word Origin
Old English andlang, from and- against + langlong1; compare Old Frisian andlinga, Old Saxon antlang
Word Origin and History for along

Old English andlang "entire, continuous; extended; all day long; alongside of," from and- "opposite, against" (from Proto-Germanic *andi-, *anda-, from PIE *anti "against," locative singular of *ant- "front, forehead;" see ante) + lang "long" (see long (adj.)). Sense extended to "through the whole length of."

Idioms and Phrases with along