
[uh-bawr-shuh n] /əˈbɔr ʃən/
Also called voluntary abortion. the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy.
any of various surgical methods for terminating a pregnancy, especially during the first six months.
Also called spontaneous abortion. miscarriage (def 1).
an immature and nonviable fetus.
abortus (def 2b).
any malformed or monstrous person, thing, etc.
Biology. the arrested development of an embryo or an organ at a more or less early stage.
the stopping of an illness, infection, etc., at a very early stage.
  1. shambles; mess.
  2. anything that fails to develop, progress, or mature, as a design or project.
1540-50; < Latin abortiōn- (stem of abortiō). See abort, -ion
Related forms
postabortion, adjective
Examples from the web for abortion
  • They also allow abortion if the mother were suicidal because of such defects.
  • The relationship between induced abortion and mental health is an area of controversy.
  • Some studies suggest that some women experience stress after a miscarriage or abortion.
  • No causal link has been established between abortion and mental illness.
  • The emotional effects of induced abortion, from the planned parenthood website.
  • Also denounced in the conclusions were war, violence, and even abortion.
  • The body was like that of some monstrous, withered abortion that had never drawn breath.
  • Modern medicine utilizes medications and surgical procedures to induce abortion.
  • Other techniques must be used to induce abortion in the second trimester.
  • abortion is sometimes attempted by causing trauma to the abdomen.
British Dictionary definitions for abortion


an operation or other procedure to terminate pregnancy before the fetus is viable
the premature termination of pregnancy by spontaneous or induced expulsion of a nonviable fetus from the uterus
the products of abortion; an aborted fetus
the arrest of development of an organ
a failure to develop to completion or maturity: the project proved an abortion
a person or thing that is deformed
Derived Forms
abortional, adjective
Word Origin and History for abortion

1540s, from Latin abortionem (nominative abortio) "miscarriage, abortion," noun of action from past participle stem of aboriri (see abortive).

Earlier noun in English was simple abort (early 15c.). Originally of both deliberate and unintended miscarriages; in 19c. some effort was made to distinguish abortion "expulsion of the fetus between 6 weeks and 6 months" from miscarriage (the same within 6 weeks of conception) and premature labor (delivery after 6 months but before due time). This broke down as abortion came to be used principally for intentional miscarriages. Foeticide (v.) appears 1823 as a forensic medical term for deliberate premature fatal expulsion of the fetus; also cf. prolicide. Abortion was a taboo word for much of early 20c., disguised in print as criminal operation (U.S.) or illegal operation (U.K.), and replaced by miscarriage in film versions of novels.

abortion in Medicine

abortion a·bor·tion (ə-bôr'shən)

  1. The expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it is viable.

  2. A miscarriage.

  3. An aborted organism.

  4. Cessation of normal growth, especially of an organ or other body part, before full development or maturation.

  5. The arrest of an action or process before its completion.

abortion in Science
  1. Induced termination of pregnancy, involving destruction of the embryo or fetus.

  2. Any of various procedures that result in such termination.

  3. Spontaneous abortion; miscarriage.

  4. Cessation of a normal or abnormal process before completion.

abortion in Culture

abortion definition

The deliberate termination of a pregnancy, usually before the embryo or fetus is capable of independent life. In medical contexts, this procedure is called an induced abortion and is distinguished from a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or stillbirth.

Note: Abortion laws are extremely controversial. Those who describe themselves as “pro-choice” believe that the decision to have an abortion should be left to the mother. In contrast, the “pro-life” faction, arguing that abortion is killing, holds that the state should prohibit abortion in most cases. Feminists (see feminism) and liberals generally support the pro-choice side; Roman Catholics and Protestant fundamentalists generally back the pro-life side. (See Roe versus Wade.)

abortion definition

The ending of pregnancy and expulsion of the embryo or fetus, generally before the embryo or fetus is capable of surviving on its own. Abortion may be brought on intentionally by artificial means (induced abortion) or may occur naturally (spontaneous abortion, which is commonly referred to as a miscarriage). (Compare stillbirth; see also family planning and population control.)

Slang definitions & phrases for abortion



Something of very poor quality; a messy failure; Disaster: That show is a real abortion