Uniform Resource Locator: a protocol for specifying addresses on the Internet.
an address that identifies a particular file on the Internet, usually consisting of the protocol, as http, followed by the domain name.
Examples from the web for URL
  • My homework will now include follow-up on those URL s.
  • Don't have the URL link but one can locate it pretty easily.
  • It has a history bar in which it records every URL you access by date.
British Dictionary definitions for URL


uniform resource locator; a standardized address of a location on the internet, esp on the World Wide Web
Word Origin and History for URL

by 1990, initialism from uniform resource locator.

URL in Science
Short for Uniform Resource Locator. An Internet address (for example, https://www.hmco.com/trade/), usually consisting of the access protocol (http), the domain name (www.hmco.com), and optionally the path to a file or resource residing on that server (trade).
URL in Culture

URL definition

An abbreviation for Universal Resource Locator, a title that refers to the formal address of a document on the Internet.

URL in Technology
Related Abbreviations for URL


  1. uniform resource locator
  2. sometimes universal resource locator