
[nawr-wey] /ˈnɔr weɪ/
Norwegian Norge. a kingdom in N Europe, in the W part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. 124,555 sq. mi. (322,597 sq. km).
Capital: Oslo.
Examples from the web for Norway
  • Spatiotemporal gradients between high mountain ecosystems of central Norway.
British Dictionary definitions for Norway


a kingdom in NW Europe, occupying the W part of the Scandinavian peninsula: first united in the Viking age (800–1050); under the rule of Denmark (1523–1814) and Sweden (1814–1905); became an independent monarchy in 1905. Its coastline is deeply indented by fjords and fringed with islands, rising inland to plateaus and mountains. Norway has a large fishing fleet and its merchant navy is among the world's largest. Official language: Norwegian. Official religion: Evangelical Lutheran. Currency: krone. Capital: Oslo. Pop: 4 722 701 (2013 est). Area: 323 878 sq km (125 050 sq miles) Norwegian name Norge
Word Origin and History for Norway

Old English Norweg, Norþweg from Old Norse Norvegr "north way, a way leading to the north" (see north + way); contrasted with suthrvegar "south way," i.e. Germany, and austrvegr "east way," the Baltic lands.

Norway in Culture

Norway definition

Constitutional monarchy in northern Europe, located in western Scandinavia. Its capital and largest city is Oslo.

Note: Norway was occupied by German troops in World War II.
Note: Though traditionally neutral, Norway became a member of NATO in 1949. One of its chief industries is oil production from the North Sea.