
[nav-i-gey-ter] /ˈnæv ɪˌgeɪ tər/
a person who navigates.
a person who practices, or is skilled in, navigation, as of ships or aircraft.
a person who conducts explorations by sea.
British. a navvy.
1580-90; < Latin nāvigātor a sailor, mariner. See navigate, -tor
Examples from the web for navigator
  • Discuss the exits with your navigator, go around again if necessary, and then confidently wing off on the exit of your choice.
  • Each boat's navigator sat alone, undisturbed by the crew and without other tasks to perform, absorbing the signals all around.
  • Uncharismatic and unable to charm a crowd, he is instead an expert navigator of the corridors of power.
  • She learnt to fly and became his co-pilot and navigator.
  • Cook had neither a trained celestial navigator nor the skill to make the observations himself.
  • Before you start, you pull up a map of the route on your car's navigator.
  • Every example of our work guides the navigator in confidence and is designed to excel far beyond a conventional map.
  • The great navigator had already holed the hull on the coral once.
  • Less encouraging was that the pilot and navigator enthusiastically joined in the toasting as bottle after bottle made the rounds.
  • He was certainly a better talker than he was a navigator, and it soon became clear that he was unsure of his way.
British Dictionary definitions for navigator


a person who is skilled in or performs navigation, esp on a ship or aircraft
(esp formerly) a person who explores by ship
an instrument or device for assisting a pilot to navigate an aircraft
Word Origin and History for navigator

1580s, "one who navigates," from Latin navigator "sailor," agent noun from navigat-, stem of navigare (see navigation). Meaning "laborer employed in excavating a canal" is 1775, from sense in inland navigation "communication by canals and rivers" (1727).

navigator in Technology