
[lingks] /lɪŋks/
noun, plural lynxes (especially collectively) lynx for 1.
any of several wildcats of the genus Lynx (or Felis), having long limbs, a short tail, and usually tufted ears, especially L. lynx (Canada lynx) of Canada and the northern U.S., having grayish-brown fur marked with white.
genitive Lyncis
[lin-sis] /ˈlɪn sɪs/ (Show IPA).
(initial capital letter) Astronomy. a northern constellation between Ursa Major and Auriga.
1300-50; Middle English < Latin < Greek lýnx
Related forms
lynxlike, adjective
Can be confused
links, lynx.
Examples from the web for lynx
  • Nearby reside the relics of elk and lynx, coyote and loon, pelican and wolf.
  • lynx-eyed toward our equals, and moles to ourselves.
  • For vulgarity, in particular, she has the eye of a lynx.
  • The marksman who bags one must have nerves and sinews of steel, and the eyes of a lynx, as well.
  • Others include chinchilla, lynx, muskrats and coyotes.
  • The lynx and grizzly are threatened species, while the gray wolf is endangered.
British Dictionary definitions for lynx


noun (pl) lynxes, lynx
a feline mammal, Felis lynx (or canadensis), of Europe and North America, with grey-brown mottled fur, tufted ears, and a short tail related adjective lyncean
the fur of this animal
bay lynx, another name for bobcat
desert lynx, another name for caracal
Also called Polish lynx. a large fancy pigeon from Poland, with spangled or laced markings
Derived Forms
lynxlike, adjective
Word Origin
C14: via Latin from Greek lunx; related to Old English lox, German Luchs


noun (Latin genitive) Lyncis (ˈlɪnsɪs)
a faint constellation in the N hemisphere lying between Ursa Major and Cancer
Word Origin and History for lynx

mid-14c., from Latin lynx (source of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian lince), from Greek lyngz, perhaps from PIE *leuk- "light" (see light (n.)), in reference to its gleaming eyes or its ability to see in the dark.

If that men hadden eyghen of a beeste that highte lynx, so that the lokynge of folk myghte percen thurw the thynges that withstonden it. [Chaucer's "Boethius," c.1380]
Cf. Lithuanian luzzis, Old High German luhs, German luchs, Old English lox, Dutch los, Swedish lo "lynx."

lynx in Technology

A language for large distributed networks, using remote procedure calls, developed by the University of Wisconsin in 1984.
["The Lynx Distributed Programming Language: Motivation, Design and Experience", M.L. Scott, Computer Langs 16:209-233 (1991)].

1. A WWW browser from the University of Kansas for use on cursor-addressable, character cell terminals or terminals emulators under Unix or VMS. Lynx is a product of the Distributed Computing Group within Academic Computing Services of The University of Kansas. Lynx was originally developed by Lou Montulli, Michael Grobe and Charles Rezac. Garrett Blythe created DosLynx and later joined the Lynx effort as well. Foteos Macrides ported much of Lynx to VMS and is now maintaining it.
Version: 2.4-FM (1995-10-25).
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2. Lynx Real-Time Systems.