
[lohn] /loʊn/
the act of lending; a grant of the temporary use of something:
the loan of a book.
something lent or furnished on condition of being returned, especially a sum of money lent at interest:
a $1000 loan at 10 percent interest.
verb (used with object)
to make a loan of; lend:
Will you loan me your umbrella?
to lend (money) at interest.
verb (used without object)
to make a loan or loans; lend.
on loan,
  1. borrowed for temporary use:
    How many books can I have on loan from the library at one time?
  2. temporarily provided or released by one's regular employer, superior, or owner for use by another:
    Our best actor is on loan to another movie studio for two films.
1150-1200; Middle English lon(e), lan(e) (noun), Old English lān < Old Norse lān; replacing its cognate, Old English lǣn loan, grant, cognate with Dutch leen loan, German Leh(e)n fief; cf. lend
Related forms
unloaned, adjective
Usage note
Sometimes mistakenly identified as an Americanism, loan1 as a verb meaning “to lend” has been used in English for nearly 800 years: Nearby villages loaned clothing and other supplies to the flood-ravaged town. The occasional objections to loan as a verb referring to things other than money, are comparatively recent. Loan is standard in all contexts but is perhaps most common in financial ones: The government has loaned money to farmers to purchase seed.


[lohn] /loʊn/
noun, Scot.
a country lane; secondary road.
an uncultivated plot of farmland, usually used for milking cows.
Also, loaning
[loh-ning] /ˈloʊ nɪŋ/ (Show IPA)
1325-75; Middle English, Old English lone lane
Related forms
unloaning, adjective
Examples from the web for loan
  • Although an uncle left the chair to him, another family member who had it on loan seemed reluctant to surrender possession.
  • None of the loan money was slated for hydrogen projects.
  • Well, a lot of it was goosed by federal loan guarantees funded by stimulus money.
  • Her logic was that with student loan rates so low, it's wiser to put your spare money elsewhere.
  • Whatever the type of loan you need, it makes sense to research all your options before signing on that dotted line.
  • It is not only hapless borrowers and those in the subprime loan market who will suffer.
  • Borrowers of all types are now finding it much easier to obtain a loan compared with a few months ago.
  • loan originators can't simply come up with their own loans.
  • The visitors center is fully accessible, and wheelchairs are available for loan.
  • Yes, let's free them from local loan sharks so that they can become prey for global loan sharks.
British Dictionary definitions for loan


the act of lending: the loan of a car
  1. property lent, esp money lent at interest for a period of time
  2. (as modifier): loan holder
the adoption by speakers of one language of a form current in another language
short for loan word
on loan
  1. lent out; borrowed
  2. (esp of personnel) transferred from a regular post to a temporary one elsewhere
to lend (something, esp money)
Derived Forms
loanable, adjective
loaner, noun
Word Origin
C13 loon, lan, from Old Norse lān; related to Old English lǣn loan; compare German Lehen fief, Lohn wages


noun (Scot & Northern English, dialect)
a lane
a place where cows are milked
Word Origin
Old English lone, variant of lane1
Word Origin and History for loan

mid-13c., from Old Norse lan, related to lja "to lend," from Proto-Germanic *laikhwniz (cf. Old Frisian len "thing lent," Middle Dutch lene, Dutch leen "loan, fief," Old High German lehan, German Lehn "fief, feudal tenure"), originally "to let have, to leave (to someone)," from PIE *leikw- "to leave" (see relinquish).

The Norse word also is cognate with Old English læn "gift," which did not survive into Middle English, but its derived verb lænan is the source of lend. As a verb, loan is attested from 1540s, perhaps earlier, and formerly was current, but has now been supplanted in England by lend, though it survives in American English.

Loan word (1874) is a translation of German Lehnwort; loan-translation is attested 1933, from German Lehnübersetzung. Slang loan shark first attested 1900.

loan in the Bible

The Mosaic law required that when an Israelite needed to borrow, what he asked was to be freely lent to him, and no interest was to be charged, although interest might be taken of a foreigner (Ex. 22:25; Deut. 23:19, 20; Lev. 25:35-38). At the end of seven years all debts were remitted. Of a foreigner the loan might, however, be exacted. At a later period of the Hebrew commonwealth, when commerce increased, the practice of exacting usury or interest on loans, and of suretiship in the commercial sense, grew up. Yet the exaction of it from a Hebrew was regarded as discreditable (Ps. 15:5; Prov. 6:1, 4; 11:15; 17:18; 20:16; 27:13; Jer. 15:10). Limitations are prescribed by the law to the taking of a pledge from the borrower. The outer garment in which a man slept at night, if taken in pledge, was to be returned before sunset (Ex. 22:26, 27; Deut. 24:12, 13). A widow's garment (Deut. 24:17) and a millstone (6) could not be taken. A creditor could not enter the house to reclaim a pledge, but must remain outside till the borrower brought it (10, 11). The Hebrew debtor could not be retained in bondage longer than the seventh year, or at farthest the year of jubilee (Ex. 21:2; Lev. 25:39, 42), but foreign sojourners were to be "bondmen for ever" (Lev. 25:44-54).