
[kit-ee] /ˈkɪt i/
noun, plural kitties.
a kitten.
a pet name for a cat.
1710-20; kitt(en) + -y2


[kit-ee] /ˈkɪt i/
noun, plural kitties.
a pool or reserve of money, often collected from a number of persons or sources and designated for a particular purpose specified by the contributors.
  1. a pool into which players in a game put a certain amount of their winnings for some special purpose, as to pay for refreshments.
  2. the pot, or a special pot, for the collection of forfeits or payments for certain high hands.
  3. widow (def 2).
1815-25; kit1 + -y2


[kit-ee] /ˈkɪt i/
a female given name, form of Katherine or Catherine.
Examples from the web for kitty
  • kitty had repeated this without attaching any significance to the words.
  • They don't have enough backbone and self-discipline to quit looting the kitty.
  • Funds from the grant kitty are further used to disseminate experimental results at scientific meetings and conferences.
  • They could keep these, or put some or all of them into a kitty.
  • It should help to rein in bonuses somewhat, and could fund a bail-out kitty.
  • The fund could also approach some reserve-rich emerging countries to top up its kitty.
  • The grant, paid out quarterly over five years, will therefore add to an already ample kitty.
  • The winner of the tour leaves the kitty for his team-mates including all the prizes and bonuses.
  • The arrow is permanently affixed to your little kitty arm.
  • The only way it knows how to do it is to indiscriminately throw huge sums of taxpayer funds into the kitty.
British Dictionary definitions for kitty


noun (pl) -ties
a diminutive or affectionate name for a kitten, cat1
Word Origin
C18: see kit³


noun (pl) -ties
the pool of bets in certain gambling games
any shared fund of money, etc
(in bowls) the jack
Word Origin
C19: see kit1
Word Origin and History for kitty

"young cat," 1719, variant of kitten, perhaps influenced by kitty "girl, young woman" (c.1500), originally a pet form of fem. proper name Catherine. Kitty Hawk, N.C., apparently is a mangling of a native Algonquian name; it also has been written as Chicahauk.

"pool of money in a card game," 1887, probably from kit (n.1), in a sense of "collection of necessary supplies" (1833); but perhaps rather from northern England slang kitty "prison, jail, lock-up" (1825), of uncertain origin.

Slang definitions & phrases for kitty



The pot or pool of money in a gambling game, made up of contributions from the players; a contributed fund: Each put $25,000 in the kitty (1891+ Gambling)

Related Terms

bitch kitty, dust kitty, feed the kitty, it's a bitch