
[im-pyoo-tey-shuh n] /ˌɪm pyʊˈteɪ ʃən/
the act of imputing.
an attribution, as of fault or crime; accusation.
1535-45; < Late Latin imputātiōn- (stem of imputātiō), equivalent to Latin imputāt(us) past participle of imputāre to ascribe, impute + -iōn- -ion
Examples from the web for imputation
  • Kaplan's imputation to me of questionable motives is simply risible.
  • But his practice clears him of the imputation: he is saved by the ambiguity of the word independent.
Word Origin and History for imputation

1540s, noun of action from impute (v.) on model of Middle French imputation, or else from Late Latin imputationem (nominative imputatio), noun of action from imputare.

imputation in the Bible

is used to designate any action or word or thing as reckoned to a person. Thus in doctrinal language (1) the sin of Adam is imputed to all his descendants, i.e., it is reckoned as theirs, and they are dealt with therefore as guilty; (2) the righteousness of Christ is imputed to them that believe in him, or so attributed to them as to be considered their own; and (3) our sins are imputed to Christ, i.e., he assumed our "law-place," undertook to answer the demands of justice for our sins. In all these cases the nature of imputation is the same (Rom. 5:12-19; comp. Philemon 1:18, 19).