
[gwah-tuh-mah-luh; Spanish gwah-te-mah-lah] /ˌgwɑ təˈmɑ lə; Spanish ˌgwɑ tɛˈmɑ lɑ/
a republic in N Central America. 42,042 sq. mi. (108,889 sq. km).
Also called Guatemala City. a city in and the capital of this republic.
Related forms
Guatemalan, adjective, noun
pro-Guatemalan, adjective, noun
Examples from the web for Guatemala
  • Company unions are also prevalent among the maquiladoras in Guatemala.
British Dictionary definitions for Guatemala


a republic in Central America: original Maya Indians conquered by the Spanish in 1523; became the centre of Spanish administration in Central America; gained independence and was annexed to Mexico in 1821, becoming an independent republic in 1839. Official language: Spanish. Religion: Roman Catholic majority. Currency: quetzal and US dollar. Capital: Guatemala City. Pop: 14 373 472 (2013 est). Area: 108 889 sq km (42 042 sq miles)
Word Origin and History for Guatemala

from words in a native language, variously identified as Quauhtemellan "land of the eagle" or Uhatzmalha "mountain where water gushes."

Guatemala in Culture

Guatemala definition

Republic in Central America, bordered by Mexico to the west and north, Belize and the Caribbean Sea to the east, Honduras and El Salvador to the southeast, and the Pacific Ocean to the south. Its capital and largest city is Guatemala City.

Note: The country is noted for its particularly low average income and literacy rate.
Note: It is traditionally unstable politically.