
[dih-sem-ber] /dɪˈsɛm bər/
the twelfth month of the year, containing 31 days.
Abbreviation: Dec.
before 1000; Middle English decembre < Old French < Latin december (stem decembr-) the tenth month of the early Roman year, apparently < *dec(em)-membri-, equivalent to decem ten + *-membri- < mens- month + -ri- suffix (with -sr- > -br- and assimilation of nasal)
Examples from the web for December
  • Mating takes place in short periods throughout the rainy season in December.
  • Winter is the rainy season, with major precipitation falling after December.
British Dictionary definitions for December


the twelfth and last month of the year, consisting of 31 days
Word Origin
C13: from Old French decembre, from Latin december the tenth month (the Roman year originally began with March), from decem ten
Word Origin and History for December

c.1000, from Old French decembre, from Latin December, from decem "ten" (see ten); tenth month of the old Roman calendar, which began with March.

The -ber in four Latin month names is probably from -bris, an adjectival suffix. Tucker thinks that the first five months were named for their positions in the agricultural cycle, and "after the gathering in of the crops, the months were merely numbered."

If the word contains an element related to mensis, we must assume a *decemo-membris (from *-mensris). October must then be by analogy from a false division Sep-tem-ber &c. Perhaps, however, from *de-cem(o)-mr-is, i.e. "forming the tenth part or division," from *mer- ..., while October = *octuo-mr-is. [T.G. Tucker, "Etymological Dictionary of Latin"]

Encyclopedia Article for December

twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar. Its name is derived from decem, Latin for "ten," indicating its position in the early Roman calendar.

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