
[kuh n-yah-duh, -yad-uh] /kənˈyɑ də, -ˈyæd ə/
noun, Chiefly Western U.S.
a dry riverbed.
a small, deep canyon.
1840-50; < Spanish, equivalent to cañ(a) cane + -ada noun suffix


[kan-uh-duh] /ˈkæn ə də/
a nation in N North America: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 3,690,410 sq. mi. (9,558,160 sq. km).
Capital: Ottawa.
Examples from the web for canada
  • I think the monarchy, by and large, has done more good than harm to canada.
  • No hurricane since then has caused as many fatalities in canada.
  • A relief fund was established, and contributions came in from across canada.
  • The horseshoe arrangement of the members seats within the chamber is unique in canada.
  • Despite this, the united kingdom still had the power to legislate for canada.
  • This trait came from a natural mutant found in a cauliflower field in canada.
  • The company eventually became the oldest corporation in canada.
British Dictionary definitions for canada


a country in North America: the second largest country in the world; first permanent settlements by Europeans were made by the French from 1605; ceded to Britain in 1763 after a series of colonial wars; established as the Dominion of Canada in 1867; a member of the Commonwealth. It consists generally of sparsely inhabited tundra regions, rich in natural resources, in the north, the Rocky Mountains in the west, the Canadian Shield in the east, and vast central prairies; the bulk of the population is concentrated along the US border and the Great Lakes in the south. Languages: English and French. Religion: Christian majority. Currency: Canadian dollar. Capital: Ottawa. Pop: 34 568 211 (2013 est). Area: 9 976 185 sq km (3 851 809 sq miles)
Word Origin and History for canada


1560s (implied in Canadian), said to be a Latinized form of a word for "village" in an Iroquoian language of the St. Lawrence valley that had gone extinct by 1600. Most still-spoken Iroquoian languages have a similar word (e.g. Mohawk kana:ta "town"). Canada goose is attested from 1772.

canada in Culture

Canada definition

Nation in northern North America, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean and Alaska to the west, and the United States to the south. Its capital is Ottawa, and its largest city is Toronto. In area, Canada is the second largest nation in the world, behind Russia.

Note: A French explorer founded Quebec in 1608.
Note: It is an ally of the United States, though conflict has arisen over environmental and trade issues. Each country is the other's leading partner in world trade (see North American Free Trade Agreement).
Note: The border between Canada and the United States is the longest unguarded border in the world.
Note: Canada has experienced recurring tension arising from a separatist movement in French-speaking Quebec province. In 1995, separatists were narrowly defeated in a referendum.
canada in Technology

Country with domain "ca".