
[ahr-mee-nee-uh, -meen-yuh; for 3 also Spanish ahr-me-nyah] /ɑrˈmi ni ə, -ˈmin yə; for 3 also Spanish ɑrˈmɛ nyɑ/
an ancient country in W Asia: now divided between Armenia, Turkey, and Iran.
Also called, Armenian Republic. a republic in Transcaucasia, S of Georgia and W of Azerbaijan. About 11,500 sq. mi. (29,800 sq. km).
Capital: Yerevan.
a city in W central Colombia.
Examples from the web for Armenia
  • The two polities became major rivals, especially over control of Armenia.
British Dictionary definitions for Armenia


a republic in NW Asia: originally part of the historic Armenian kingdom; acquired by Russia in 1828; became the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1936; gained independence in 1991. It is mountainous, rising over 4000 m (13 000 ft). Language: Armenian. Religion: Christian (Armenian Apostolic) majority. Currency: dram. Capital: Yerevan. Pop: Pop: 2 974 184 (2013 est). Area: 29 800 sq km (11 490 sq miles)
a former kingdom in W Asia, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, south of Georgia
a town in central Colombia: centre of a coffee-growing district. Pop: 349 000 (2005 est)
Armenia in Culture

Armenia definition

Republic in extreme southwestern Asia, bordered by Georgia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east, Iran to the south, and Turkey to the south and west. Yerevan is its capital and largest city.

Note: The former kingdom of Armenia included the present country, northeastern Turkey, and the northwest corner of Iran.
Note: Throughout their 2,500-year history, the Armenian people have been repeatedly invaded and oppressed by more powerful neighboring empires, which have included Greeks, Persians, Byzantines, Huns, Arabs, Mongols, Ottoman Turks, and Russians.
Note: Between 1894 and 1920, Armenians were the victims of a massacre organized by the Turks (see Armenian Massacres).
Note: In 1920, the Soviet Union annexed Armenia, but animosity remained strong between Armenians and Russians. When the Soviet Union began to crumble in 1991, Armenia was one of the first non-Baltic Soviet republics to declare its independence.
Note: Mainly Christian, Armenia has been involved in a bloody border dispute with neighboring Azerbaijan, which is mainly Muslim.
Armenia in the Bible

high land, occurs only in Authorized Version, 2 Kings 19:37; in Revised Version, "Ararat," which is the Hebrew word. A country in western Asia lying between the Caspian and the Black Sea. Here the ark of Noah rested after the Deluge (Gen. 8:4). It is for the most part high table-land, and is watered by the Aras, the Kur, the Euphrates, and the Tigris. Ararat was properly the name of a part of ancient Armenia. Three provinces of Armenia are mentioned in Jer. 51:27, Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz. Some, however, think Minni a contraction for Armenia. (See ARARAT.)