
a suffixal use of wise2. in adverbs denoting manner, position, direction, reference, etc.:
counterclockwise; edgewise; marketwise; timewise.
Compare -ways.
Usage note
The suffix -wise is old in the language in adverbs referring to manner, direction, etc.: crosswise; lengthwise. Coinages like marketwise, saleswise, and weatherwise are often criticized, perhaps because of their association with the media: Otherwise—or moneywise, as they were already saying in the motion-picture industry—Hollywood was at the crest of its supercolossal glory. This suffix should not be confused with the adjective wise1, which appears in such compound words as streetwise and worldly-wise.
British Dictionary definitions for -wise


combining form
Also -ways. indicating direction or manner: clockwise, likewise
with reference to: profitwise, businesswise
Word Origin
Old English -wisan; see wise²